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Category: Latest News


In a span of eight days, Central Plains leaders made connections with new friends and gathered with recently added planters.  The Lord continues to provide MUCH FRUIT. God is expanding [...]

We’re Expanding!

Amazing news!  Central Plains’ “25 x ’25” multiplication vision is bearing much fruit!  Since we began living into this vision, our Classis has grown from 13 churches to 31 ministries!!! […]

Praise & Prayer – September/October 2019

Praise God for the addition of three new churches to the Central Plains Classis… Charismah Church located in Katy,Texas and led by Christian Sebastia Christ the Redeemer Church located in […]

The Mending Place

Dioane Gates is the pastor of The Mending Place and City Director for World Impact in Wichita, Kansas. 

Highlights of CPC Multiplication Team Retreat!

Highlights of CPC Multiplication Team Retreat! The Central Plains Multiplication Team met Jan. 11/12/19 to set direction and priorities to implement our Classis vision in 2019. The team members are: […]

CPC Prayer Needs

CPC Prayer Needs

Please be praying for 2019 Direction… We continue to seek God and His Direction as 25x’25 moves forward into 2019. May God build movement momentum by providing quality leaders, quality parenting […]


Members of the 2020 Vision Group have been selected in response to the General Synod 2018 recommendation. To learn more, please go to https://rca.org/news/2020-vision-group-members-named