Central Plains Cluster Model
Central Plains Classis accomplishes its work and ministry through “Clusters”.
The North Cluster consists of the seven churches in SE Nebraska. The South Cluster includes six churches and two new ministries in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.
There are also a number of chaplains and specialized ministers who participate in the Cluster’s Networks meetings.
The pastors of each cluster meet at least fifty hours per year for continuing education, mutual support and loving accountability. The North Pastor’s Network meets monthly. The South Cluster pastors meet semi-annually for over night retreats.
Each Cluster has a Cluster Coordinator as well as coordinators for multiplication and revitalization. The Clusters also bring together the Consistories of the member churches for ongoing training and support.
The Clusters handle the work of classis as the churches journey together over time. They provide: support and examinations of seminary students /commissioned pastors, supervisors for churches in transition, mediation during times of conflict, plus any other ministry issues that arise.