New Ministry Application

Central Plains Classis has embarked on a challenging, yet motivating seven-year vision: “Central Plains Classis is being called to be: a classis of 25 ministries and 5,000 disciples by 2025”.

NEW MINISTRY (Community Need-Meeting Ministries) PARAMETERS

The purpose of these ministries will be: Changing Lives for Jesus in the community to help extend His kingdom and build His Church.

A New “Community Need-Meeting Ministry” will fit into the following parameters:

  1. Initiated by one of our RCA local churches, church plants or ministers.
  2. This ministry will be designed to meet specific community needs while being distinctly Christian, as they build effective relationships in their community that develop and equip people to further develop their personal walk with Jesus Christ.
  3. This ministry will be a “bridge” to connecting their clientele to a local church. As much as this is a “need-meeting” ministry, it is also an intentional artery of building His Church.
  4. This ministry will be overseen by its own board. One local pastor from the sponsoring church will remain a coach for the director/leader.
  5. This ministry will report progress every six months to the CP CMT.
  6. An annual review will be overseen by the CMT.


  1. The application is made by one of our existing RCA Churches, Church Plants or Ministers to the CMT (Church Multiplication Team). The application will include but not be limited to: ministry plan, leadership, and structure, funding plan, specific needs/people groups being targeted.
  2. CMT reviews the application and approves/declines.
  3. Funding: Once the ministry is approved, the CMT will review each new community need-meeting ministry and determine their funding needs. The classis could commit a maximum of $12,000 over three years: First year $6,000; Second year $4,000; Third year $2,000. The annual reviews will determine the ongoing support

Downloadable DOCS

Ministry Parameters

New Ministry Application Form