“The term classis comes from the Latin word meaning fleet of ships.” The Central Plains Classis is a “fleet” of local congregations “sailing together”, being carried along by the winds of God’s Spirit.
We believe the central role of Christ’s Church is to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that (Christ has) commanded….” Matthew 28:19 (NIV)
We believe that the Central Plains Classis exists to support, equip, and empower our member churches, various ministries and enrolled ministers of Word and sacrament by providing vision, leadership, and supervision.
We believe that planting new churches and revitalizing existing churches is vital in the ministry of making disciples for the Kingdom of God. Thus, the classis should take a lead role, with our regional synod and denomination, in planting and revitalizing congregations.
We believe that our classis should be a model of the unity of believers that Jesus prayed for in John chapter 17. To achieve unity, we will treat each other with a welcoming Christian love and respect, even when we disagree and we will hold our relationships with each other in Christ as one of our most important assets.
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